Do YOU Want an Ideal Week?

Of course we all long for an ideal week. A week we can look back on and realized we used each moment to the fullest. We used each moment to bless rather than curse ourselves or others. An ideal week for me is a week filled with ideal moments.

We can only live ONE moment at a time, within one DAY at a time. All we really have is this moment.

And we get to CHOOSE in each and every moment which thoughts we will entertain. A quote says, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. I find that interesting. We are invited to choose what sort of things to spend our time thinking about. Each and every moment of each and every day, we can choose which thoughts we “run with” and which we counter with Truth and reality.

Today, as those random thoughts pop into our heads may we CHOOSE wisely which ones we ponder and which ones we “capture”.

If you are a Christian you will recognize Biblical wisdom here based on proverbs 23:7, 2 Cor. 10:5 and Phil 4:8.

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