
comfort 2 cor 1-3-4

When we receive comfort and help in time of need, be it directly from God Himself or as directed BY God via the love, care and compassion of another, then we can “pass it on”. God receives the glory either way.

But have you ever considered that when we refuse to accept comfort either directly from the hand of God Himself or from someone He sends, that we not only hurt ourselves but may be indirectly harming another.

How can we pass on or share that which we have never received or refused to receive?

Sometimes inviting God and/or another to share our sorrow or pain is like planting good seed for an unknown future event.

There is a verse that has been on my heart for a time now. It is found in Isaiah 30:15 and says, “This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.” We are to repent for our sin but also to REST in the LOVE and CARE of God. We can not receive His comfort when are unwilling to admit our very real need.

Isaiah 40:1 says, “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.” We are created to be in community and to love God and love others.

Could part of that include being willing to receive and give comfort in times of heart need?

A Heart at Peace

peace in knowing

 A mended heart, or really a heart which is BEiNG mended by the LOVE of God, is a very tender heart.

 Today in my quiet time, the LORD was speaking to me of His unchanging LOVE and so I made a “reminder”. 
We are loved and beloved in The Beloved.
When we “remember” that, then all else fades away and we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we ARE SAFE to “be”.
From the Heart of Abba today:

Beloved, I am the LORD who heals your heart.

The ONE who goes before you.

The ONE who is with you, LOVING you.

Performance has nothing to do with being loved.

Performance is what a person does for an audience.

Being loved by Me is a position and becomes, as you receive it, a state of being as well.

You ARE loved.

You step into being loved as your part of who you are.

My love is unchanging and does not depend on your actions at all.

You simply ARE loved.

Live life from the position of BELOVED and much that hurts your heart and wounds your soul will simply flow over you without penetrating to your heart or affecting your behavior because you will KNOW that no matter WHAT you ARE loved.

Beloved, you are held both tenderly and securely in My Love for you.